Spin the Wheel and choose the next goal-kicker Our trip to play Thatto Heath Crusaders in the Challenge Cup was Rovers’ 3,750 official game since we became a professional club in 1921. As far as we can see something happened in that game which has no precedence. We are referring to the fact that Fev used SIX different goal-kickers. There are problems with establishing any goal-kicking records. First of all, drop goals were recorded along with penalties and conversions until the value of the drop goal was reduced to one point in the 1974-75 season. Secondly there was no consistent recording of failed goal-kicks until 2006. Nevertheless, we decided to look back through Fev’s previous 3,749 games to see if we could find anything to match the six kickers, but we actually looked for games in which four or more different kickers had been successful because neither Greg Minikin, nor Harry Bowes were successful with their kicks. We did find that there had been two previous match...