York We never have, nor never will, claim to have any expertise in the playing or coaching of rugby league. What we do have, however, is many years of watching and loving the game with a reasonable degree of intelligence and an ability to make judgments which are not usually clouded by our passionate support for Featherstone Rovers. Sometimes we get things very wrong but occasionally we are proved correct. In most walks of life one is delighted to be proved right but sadly there is no pleasure in looking back at what we wrote about the game against Dewsbury and its implications for what was expected to be a vital game against York. We said after we had scored 50 points against Dewsbury that it was no indication of how we would fare when attacking against a team with a far stronger defence. We also noted that it would have to be a much better performance in defence after we had conceded two tries against a team who had, by a considerable margin, scored the least tries in the...